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Hold Your Holly! 7 Crucial Considerations Before Putting a Pup Or Kitty Under the Tree

There’s nothing that warms the heart more than seeing the videos that pop up after the holidays of a pajama-clad kiddo popping the top off a box to reveal a puppy or a kitty. Chances are, that child has been bugging his or her parents to get a pet for eons so the payoff is usually a lot of happy tears. And while this can tale can have a happy ending, as veterinarians, we see the alternatives far too often.

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The Secret to Keeping Your Cat Safe and Slender This Holiday Season

We all get excited about holiday festivities and decorations—from the Christmas tree and holly berries to the Menorah and other Hanukkah trimmings during the holiday season. As you may see the sparkle in your family’s eyes when you bring out the tinsel, you may not realize that your cat also has a sparkle as well. Does this mean that to keep your cat safe that you can’t have your traditional holiday favorites? Not at all! As veterinarians, we always try to help you strike a balance between keeping holiday traditions intact while keeping your fur friends as safe as possible.

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10 Reasons to Adopt a Senior Cat This November - And All Year!

Let's get one thing straight—kittens are universally adored because, dang, they're cute. They are playful, mischievous, and there always seems to be a smile associated with watching a kitten play with a paper ball or following a laser pointer. But here you sit, thinking about adopting a senior cat? How did I know this? You would not have clicked on this blog if you weren’t debating the idea.

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The Can't-Miss Guide to Optimal Kitten Nutrition

Congratulations on your new kitten—your bundle of joy, mischief, snuggles, a few loving nips and scratches, purrs, and the softest fur you’ll ever feel. You're already likely feeling like you could have never loved another living being this so much, which hopefully means you want to do everything you can to prolong the life of this wee furry feline.

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Does My Pet Need Year-Round Flea and Tick Prevention? Yes, and Here's Why!

The sun is starting to set earlier and earlier and the temperature is getting cooler. Some parts of the U.S. have begun to see blankets of snow that seemingly showed up overnight. Our minds have turned to thoughts of fireplaces and mugs of hot cocoa. We see our sleeping pets curled up and content on their bed when, all a sudden, their head pops up and they start to chew on their hip. “It can’t be a flea!” you think, noting the time of year and the chill in the air.

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10 Reasons Senior Doggos Are the Best

Ever wonder why there are so many older dogs found in shelters? Most people assume they were left there due to the dog misbehaving, are aggressive, or untrainable. Contrary to popular belief, most of the time, these notions are false.

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