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What Bloodwork Can Teach You About Your Pet's Health

Blood tests are an easy, safe, and relatively inexpensive way to peer inside your pets and find potential health problems. Analysis of the numbers and structure of blood cells is important in the diagnosis and monitoring of disease and infection. These tests can help us identify a problem before clinical signs or symptoms appear. But what exactly are we looking for when we do a blood draw on dogs and cats?

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Pets and the Novel Coronavirus

When the current outbreak of novel coronavirus disease, or COVID-19, first came to light in December 2019, researchers indicated that animals were the likely source of the virus. So people are naturally asking, "Can my pet contract and transmit this virus?" That question has become even more valid after one dog - the pet of an infected owner in Hong Kong - recently tested "weak positive" for the virus.

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How to Brush Your Dog's Teeth

Establishing an at home dental care routine is an important part of your dog’s overall health. You would never think to go days without brushing your own teeth, and it’s no different for your pets. Here at Animal Wellness Clinic of Tamarac we recommend brushing your dog’s teeth daily, but a great goal is at least three times a week.

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Genetics Markers Prove Dogs Have Evolved To Digest Carbohydrates And Starches

One could spend all day, or more, engaging in (sometimes heated) dialogue about what our pets should eat. Depending on your personal beliefs, education, and experience, your perspective could be vastly different from another pet owner. Even within the veterinary community, there are a wide range of recommendations as to what is the most appropriate style of feeding for our companion canines and felines.

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Matting in Cats

Matted fur is a condition that occurs mostly in longhaired cats when their fur becomes knotted and entangled. There are several reasons this can happen. When a cat sheds their undercoat, the fur can become caught in the top coat. If a cat’s fur becomes dirty or oily, it can also become entwined and matted.

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Large-Breed Puppies

Is your fur baby destined to turn into a fur giant? If you own a large-breed puppy, they may be a lap dog now, but before you know it, they’ll be way too big for cuddles on the couch. Of course, your colossal canine will still be just as lovable, but you’ll need to know a few things about taking care of a large-breed puppy.

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