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7 Puppy Potty Training Tips to Save Your Sanity…and Your Home

You’ve brought your much-anticipated new puppy home and are delighted with this adorable little creature who just wants to play, cuddle, love you, and let you revel in that heavenly puppy breath. However, within the first hour, you’re reminded of the daunting task of potty training after they leave their first “present” on your carpet.

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The Secret to Stress-Free Car Rides With Your Kitty Cat

One of the challenges many cat owners face is getting their cat to the vet clinic. Many of us are fellow cat parents, so we can appreciate the arduous task this can be. As veterinarians, we also know that regular vet care is essential for our feline friends' overall health and longevity. Many cat owners put off wellness exams and other vet visits because of this challenge, but doing so can have dire consequences.

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Spring Forward, Parasites Back: How to Prevent Dog Fleas and Ticks!

Ahhh, Spring. With the scent of flowers lingering in the air, the temperatures beginning to rise, and wildlife beginning to emerge from their winter dens, this season is full of promise. But you know what else spring is full of? Fleas and ticks. Just like everything else, fleas and ticks thrive in the warmer weather. The ideal temperature for these pesky parasites is about 70-85 degrees, although they can survive in cooler climates. For most states, flea and tick season runs from about May through September, so it’s best to get a handle on how to prepare now.

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The Truth About Why Veterinary Dental Care For Your Dog is So Critical

Many clients come to our veterinary clinics, heads held low, as they are embarrassed about their dog's dental care. Look, we're veterinarians—not robots! We understand that taking care of your dog's dental care isn't always a priority, and life happens. However, we're also here to tell you that waiting because you're embarrassed can only cause more harm. It's best to get your dog's dental care under control sooner rather than later to avoid a painful mouth and possibly big vet bills down the line if the dental disease gets too far advanced.

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