Pet Health Insurance helps you afford expenses of illnesses and diseases which you wouldn’t be able to cover otherwise.

Why Pet Insurance

  • Study says 1 of 2 pets will become sick or injured in their lifetime, and 1 in 4 dogs will be diagnosed with cancer.

  • Increasing Healthcare Costs.

Example: while pet insurance may cost you between $20-70 in monthly insurance premiums, cost of intervertebral disk disease might come up to $3000 depending on case by case basis.

  • Major advances in veterinary technologies.

Which Pet Insurance Company to Choose

With so many pet insurance companies out there pet owners might be lost in the information load. Watch this video made by The Veterinary News Network which did a direct comparison of one test case using four popular insurance companies.

Our Recommendations

Are you still hesitating which insurance company to choose? We’ve made the home-work for you.

Trupanion Insurance.

For those looking for an easy choice Trupanion offers: 1 simple plan, 90% coverage, with no limits.

Did you know you can get a Free No Obligation Insurance for 30 Days?

As an Animal Wellness Clinic of Tamarac client you are eligible for a 30 day Free Trial at no obligation. Special 30 Day Trial Forms are available in our clinic. To take advantage of this special offer from Trupanion schedule your appointment online for a physical exam, or call us at (954) 884-8949.

To learn more please speak to Trupanion customer service, or visit their website.

Benefits of Pet Health Insurance:

  • Enables you to make medical decisions rather than financial decisions on behalf of your pet
  • Peace of mind
  • Allows you to afford the best care possible by taking money out of the equation


1. Survey: “Trupanion’s Use of Addressable Minds,” April 2010, Onufrey Group LLC

2. Morris Animal Foundation