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What is the Best Food for My Dog?

Whether you’ve just adopted a puppy, or you’re on a routine pet supply shopping trip, it’s easy to be overwhelmed by all of dog food choices in the store. Each food has its pros and cons, with some brands and formulations even claiming to be super food cure-alls.

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Less Adoptable Pets

In 2009, Petfinder designated the third week of September as “Adopt a Less Adoptable Pet Week.” This annual celebration was launched to help recognize and promote those pets that are considered to have less adoptable traits, such as senior pets, FIV cats, and special needs animals. This year’s celebration week is September 16-22, 2019.

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Kitty Care 101: Nutrition

It is a common perception that cats are virtually no-maintenance compared to their other four-legged counterparts. This misconception couldn’t be further from the truth. It is easy to mistake feline independence for “low-maintenance.” Some people think you can throw a cat box in the laundry room and keep food and water down for them and call it a day. Easy peasy care - until it isn't.

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Does Your Dog Have Heart Disease?

If your dog coughs a lot, seems to gag, and/or no longer has the stamina to go on miles-long hikes, it could be due to heart problems.

After all, the heart is responsible for pumping blood (which contains oxygen and nutrients) throughout the body. This provides energy.

When your dog’s body doesn’t get enough oxygen, he feels fatigued and isn’t as playful. You might chalk it up to “old age” if your dog is getting older, but it could be something more. It could be heart problems.

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Summertime Fun: Tips for Keeping Your Dog Safe and Happy at Outdoor Events

Summer has arrived, and that means time for fun outdoor events! From July 4th parades and fireworks to street fairs, farmer’s markets, and art and music festivals, there is a plethora of activities for the whole family to attend. For pet owners, that can include bringing their dog along. While these events can be a great way to spend time with your pet, there are some issues to keep in mind to make sure your dog has a good time and a safe experience.

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Cats and Glaucoma: An Eye Emergency

Glaucoma is rare in cats, though when it occurs, it’s very painful and can lead to blindness. It can’t be cured, though sometimes it can be treated.

Healthy eyes have a balance of fluid and drainage. In cats with glaucoma, the fluid stops draining and builds up behind the eye, causing a lot of pressure. Sometimes the eyes bulge. Glaucoma also damages the optic nerve.

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