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6 Symptoms of Dog Illness You Should Never Ignore

As much as we wish they could, dogs can’t communicate pain, illness, or discomfort with words or even woofs. Instead, changes we notice in their demeanor, eating habits, or shifts in their routine hopefully make us stop and take notice of a potential problem. Dogs instinctively avoid revealing that something is wrong, so it’s up to the dog owner to stay consistently alert and spot illness early to avoid complications.

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How to Introduce a New Dog Into a Pet-Filled Home

Introducing a new dog into a pet-filled home can be an overwhelming experience for the pet owner, the new dog, and the current pets – leaving all involved feeling anxious. As veterinarians, we understand that your dog’s emotional health is just as important as their physical health. Following are some proven tips for introducing your new dog into your pet-filled home, and lessening the emotional distress that comes along with it.

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My Kitty Wants to Be an Outdoor Cat: What Do I Do?!

For many cats, the outside world looks like a pretty amazing place to be. With birds, chipmunks, fresh air, and so much more just beyond the window, it should come as no surprise that many indoor cats want to be outdoor cats. However, if your cat keeps trying to sneak out and seems happier when they do manage to bolt out the door, forcing them to stay inside might seem cruel. As veterinarians, we cannot decide whether or not to let your cat outside for you.

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How to Keep Your Dog Safe and Sitting Pretty On Your Next Road Trip

Since our dogs are much-loved members of our families, it’s only natural that we want them along for the fun when it’s time for a family vacation. However, that often means a long road trip to the beach, campsite, mountains, or other destination. As veterinarians, we understand your goal is to make the trip as comfortable and safe as possible for your dog, and we want nothing more than to help this effort with some expert insight. Following are our recommendations for ensuring a smooth road trip, so your dog enjoys both the vacation and the journey.

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Dogs + Snakes = Trouble: How to Avoid Getting Bitten

You’re taking the dog out on a hike, and he suddenly veers off the path to explore something that caught his eye—now, you and your precious pup are face to face with a rattlesnake. It’s a scary circumstance to find yourself in, but one that does indeed happen and one that dog owners don’t often think about. Dogs are curious (and, let’s face it, a bit goofy) creatures! Snakes pose a serious threat to your dog, especially during Spring when warmer weather arrives, and snakes seek out the sun for warmth after a long, cold winter.

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Happy National Rescue Dog Day: 7 Great Reasons to Adopt a Rescue Dog

May 20 is National Rescue Dog Day, a day set aside to bring awareness to the countless loving and amazing dogs in shelters who are eagerly awaiting the day they’ll be adopted into their "furever" homes. National Rescue Dog Day was founded by Lisa Wiehebrink, who rescued her dog Cooper in 2009 and went on to create the Tails That Teach book series, which teaches children how to be kind and gentle with their pets.

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The Secret to Potty Training Your Cat and Solving Litter Box Aversion

Adding a cat to your family is one of life’s most enjoyable and rewarding experiences. Your new feline family member is a fun and fluffy addition to your home and will surely prove to be just as loyal as a canine companion. Unfortunately, though, cat ownership is not without its challenges. From the occasional hairball to their tendency to wake their owners up at the crack of dawn for breakfast, there are a few occasional hiccups that accompany the joys of having a cat.

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