This collection of Cat Grooming articles has been curated for you by Animal Wellness Clinic of Tamarac. If you would like to talk to a veterinarian, please give us a call at (954) 722-2100.
My Cat Can't Stop Itching! The Truth About Cat Allergies
As veterinarians, we understand how frustrating it can be when your cat can't stop itching. Much like in humans, allergies are a common issue among cats, and they can cause a range of uncomfortable symptoms. Let’s discuss the truth about cat allergies and what to do to help your feline friend live a healthier, happier, and itch-free life.
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The Secret to Keeping Your Cat Safe and Slender This Holiday Season
We all get excited about holiday festivities and decorations—from the Christmas tree and holly berries to the Menorah and other Hanukkah trimmings during the holiday season. As you may see the sparkle in your family’s eyes when you bring out the tinsel, you may not realize that your cat also has a sparkle as well. Does this mean that to keep your cat safe that you can’t have your traditional holiday favorites? Not at all! As veterinarians, we always try to help you strike a balance between keeping holiday traditions intact while keeping your fur friends as safe as possible.
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Matting in Cats
Matted fur is a condition that occurs mostly in longhaired cats when their fur becomes knotted and entangled. There are several reasons this can happen. When a cat sheds their undercoat, the fur can become caught in the top coat. If a cat’s fur becomes dirty or oily, it can also become entwined and matted.
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Is This Much Shedding Normal? When Hair Loss in Pets is Problematic
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