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The Best Dog Breeds for Runners

If you're a runner, you know how important it is to have a good running buddy. But what are the best dog breeds for runners? Whether during a morning jog or evening sprint, having a furry friend to push you further is one of the best things about running with a dog. With the right motivation and positive reinforcement, even couch potatoes can turn into trailblazing speedsters in no time!

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Gray Muzzle Dogs: 5 Things to Know About Your Aging Pet

Dogs are often categorized as senior dogs by a combination of their breed and age, with small breeds considered "senior" at 10-11 years, medium-sized breeds at 8-10 years, and giant breeds at 5-6 years. Genetics and lifestyle are also significant factors in how fast a dog ages, with fit, healthy dogs adding years to their lives. The appearance of gray on a dog's face and muzzle is often the first reminder a dog owner will be caring for a senior dog soon.

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How To Trim Your Dog's Nails

Caring for a dog's nails is often overlooked until a scratch during playtime reminds you they're overdue for trimming. Regular nail trimming is important, as poor nail maintenance can lead to cracking, splitting, or breakage. As explained by the American Kennel Club, any of these scenarios could mean discomfort for your dog.

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How to Trim Your Cat's Nails

Regular nail trims are important for your cat's health and well-being, but many people are intimidated by the thought of trimming their cat's nails at home. If you're one of those people, don't worry; iIt's not as difficult as it seems! With the right tools and a solid understanding of the process, it's actually quite easy. With a little patience and practice, you'll be trimming your cat's nails like a pro in no time.

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5 Reasons to Not Delay Treating Your Dog's Eye Problems

If you're a dog owner, chances are you've been to your veterinarian concerned about your dog's eyes. Eye issues are extremely common in dogs, ranging from simple irritants to serious conditions. With vision deterioration common in senior dogs, dog owners must take care of their canine companion's eyes through the years. Delaying or ignoring treatment could mean a lesser quality of life as your dog struggles to navigate the world around them.

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Everything You Never Wanted To Know About Cat Urine

Cats are glorious creatures. Motion optimized, aesthetically pleasing, low maintenance, warm, fuzzy, furry, cute, and they purr. I mean, come on, could you ask for a more perfect pet?

In this cat lover's opinion, cats have only one major design flaw: kitties were designed with a poorly functioning elimination system. Specifically, their kidneys are weak, they don't drink enough water, and the cat urinary tract suffers frequently from disease.

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