The Best Dog Breeds for Couch Potatoes
Not everyone has an energetic personality, a lifestyle that allows for daily trips to the dog park, or a love of hiking with a dog running the trails alongside them. Some people want the companionship of a pet, but perhaps health issues, a tiring job, or an introverted personality mean the best kind of pet for them is calm, low maintenance, and enjoys cuddles more than dog parks. This doesn't mean a dog isn't the right pet for them, but they need to choose the breed carefully.
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Frequently Asked Questions About Puppy, Behavior and Training, Answered by a Veterinarian
When should I start behavior training with my dog?
The most critical stage in a puppy’s behavior development occurs between 5-18 weeks of age.
We know, for instance, that:
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10 Commonly Asked Questions About Dogs and Their Surprising Answers
Sometimes, we witness our dogs acting strangely or doing something that makes us curious. Much like humans, dogs have habits, rituals, and personality traits that make them unique, and we're left to decipher what they mean in the absence of human conversation.
From wrapping their paws around your arm to tilting their head, we've compiled the top 10 most commonly asked questions about dogs and their surprising answers.
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Baby Training Your Dog: What, When, Why?
This post was written by our friend Melissa R. Shyan Norwalt, Ph.D., CAAB
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Dog Park Etiquette to Protect Your Precious Pup
Are you planning to visit a local dog park so your canine companion can blow off some steam? Dog parks are perfect for exercising, socializing, and bonding with your pet. It's not all fun and games, though. Every dog park has rules and regulations to keep all visitors — canine and human — safe. Being a responsible pet parent means following those rules and practicing proper dog park etiquette.
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The Secret to Handling Fraidy Cats and Nervous Doggos This July 4th
Barbecues, fireworks, and other activities are Fourth of July staples. But if you are a pet parent, all of the festivities might be more stressful than fun. Fireworks often trigger intense fear and anxiety — especially in dogs. Barbecues can be anxiety-inducing (and dangerous for dogs), too. They are often noisy, and many pets just don't enjoy all of the unfamiliar people, smells, and sounds.
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7 Types of Dog Aggression and How to Nip Them in the Bud
A common myth about dogs is that barking, growling, lunging, biting, and baring their teeth means the dog has an aggressive demeanor. Presenting any combination of these behaviors often leads to a dog permanently labeled as aggressive and needing supervision around other pets and children. Even worse, this increases the dog’s chance of being euthanized at shelters.
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5 Dog Breeds That Can Be Challenging for New Pet Owners
You’ve probably heard the phrase, “There’s no such thing as a bad dog, only bad owners.” And as a dog lover, you likely share that belief. While the statement isn’t inherently wrong, it is far too simplistic. Dogs, like people, have unique personalities, traits, and genetic makeups. Each one is unique, and most have both positive and negative qualities.
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