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5 Signs that Could Indicate Something is Wrong with Your Cat

When we think of quiet and graceful house cats, it’s easy to forget that they were once fierce predators in the wild. Since cats rank among the smallest compared to their fellow feline species such as the cheetah, leopard, lion, and tiger, larger predators often targeted them, especially if they showed signs of age or weakness. Over time, this led to cats evolving to hide signs of illness or injury that might make them an even easier target. Today, domesticated cats continue to be stoic animals that rarely show symptoms of medical issues.

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Debunking 5 Common Dog Nutrition Myths to Keep Your Canine as Healthy as Possible

From choosing the right food to making sure you’re not offering up too many treats, you need to keep several things in mind when it comes to meeting your dog’s nutritional needs. To make things even more complicated, much of what you think you know about canine nutrition could be completely wrong. There are a lot of dog nutrition myths out there, and following inaccurate information could put your four-legged best friend’s health at risk.

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5 Common Cat Illnesses and What You Need to Know

Part of being a responsible cat owner is knowing how to recognize when something isn’t right. While the thought of your beloved companion getting sick is a frightening one, no cat is immune to illness. Even if you are a perfect pet parent and do everything right when caring for your cat, they could suffer from a wide range of health problems.

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Everything You Need To Know About Seizures In Dogs

Seizures can be a terrifying event for everyone involved and, unfortunately, are often are a symptom of something much more serious. As veterinarians, we understand that owners may often feel a sense of helplessness when their beloved pet starts to seize. From getting your dog through a seizure and the next steps at your veterinarian’s office, here's everything you need to know.

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Bon Appetit! The Dos and Don'ts of Cooking For Your Pet

Every year on November 1, pet owners grab their aprons and get to work in the kitchen making a special home-cooked meal for their family pets. On National Cook for Your Pets Day, four-legged family members are treated to the “human food” they so often smell at dinner time but rarely have the luxury of eating.

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