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National Mutt Day: 5 Reasons to Celebrate Mixed Breed Dogs

National Mutt Day, also known as National Mixed Breed Dog Day, was established in 2005 to celebrate mixed-breed dogs and raise awareness of the high number of them awaiting adoption in shelters across the country. Recognized on July 31 and December 2 every year, National Mutt Day is all about embracing and saving mixed breeds, which represent 80 percent of dogs in shelters.

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Plump Pup Problems: 7 Tips For Preventing Dog Obesity

Dogs gravitate towards treats just as we gravitate towards the dessert table. Much like humans, dogs are at risk of becoming overweight or obese at some point in their lives. It’s estimated that nearly 56% of dogs are overweight, which increases the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes, puts unnecessary strain on their bones and organs, and decreases their overall life expectancy. As veterinarians who are also dog owners, we know those extra rolls are ripe for belly rubs, but we also want your dog to be at peak health every time we see them for their wellness visits.

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7 Common (And Kinda Kooky) Cat Behaviors and What They Mean

There are very few dull moments when you share your home with a cat. From inhabiting boxes and knocking things off tables to perching as high as they can and the infamous “If I fits, I sits” behavior, cats sure are quirky beings. While all pets are amazing, cats are especially unique. And no matter how many feline family members you have, they each have their own personalities. Despite this, though, certain behaviors are universal in the world of cats.

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Imported Animals and How to Minimize the Rabies Risks

This article was written in response to the June 10th, 2021 report of the 34 pets (33 dogs and one cat) entering the United States through O’Hare Airport from Azerbaijan, as one of the dogs in the group tested positive for rabies in Pennsylvania. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has launched a multi-state public health investigation after at least 12 people were exposed to the rabid dog imported from overseas. The location of the other imported pets has not been released.

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