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What Is Fluid Therapy?

You know when you are dehydrated—dry skin, decreased urination, and increased thirst are all signs your body needs more water. But how can you be sure your pet is getting enough fluids?

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8 Things Every Pet Sitter Must Know

So, you’re heading out of town for the holidays. The flights are booked, bags are packed, and you’ve arranged for a trusted professional to care for your dog or cat while you’re away.

You’re prepared—but is your pet sitter? Here you’ll find a list of the eight most important things your pet sitter needs to know before you hit the road. Make sure you check it twice!

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After Adoption: Why Your Shelter Pet Still Needs to See a Veterinarian

Congratulations on the adoption of your new pet!  We are thrilled that you decided to adopt a pet from the shelter and save a life! 

When a dog or cat is adopted from the shelter, he/she is most likely current on vaccines, has been spayed or neutered and has been microchipped.  The shelters work hard to make adopting a pet as easy as possible.  However, it is still very important to follow up with your veterinarian soon after adoption. 

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Will My Cat Hate Me If I Take It to the Vet?

If the thought of wrangling your cat to get them to their vet appointment makes you cringe- you’re not alone. Who doesn’t enjoy peeling their cat out from under the bed, somehow coercing them into the carrier, and then driving them to the vet office? All while they yowl obscenities at you. This can be a highly stressful event, not only for your cat, but for you as well. Oh yeah, and the experience at the cat’s clinic hasn’t even begun yet.

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