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How Can the Weather Affect Your Pet?

Outdoor temperature plays a role in health from both an Eastern and Western perspective. A healthy body—whether human or animal—should be able to adapt easily to changes in weather, until it starts getting into extremes. However, if the body is already out of balance, your dog or cat may experience more inflammation as the temperature rises.

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When to Take Your Dog to the Vet

Taking care of a dog is typically pretty straight forward. You have to make sure that they eat every day, that they have a safe place to sleep at night, and that they get the love and attention they deserve as a furry member of your family. But dealing with a sick dog may become tricky -- not to mention stressful.

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Fido and Fluffy’s Breath Stinks!! What do I do?

Good health for your dog and cat often starts at…well, the beginning. That is your pet’s mouth. Often the first time the pet owner really thinks about the mouth is when they get a good whiff of their dog or cat’s breath. It can be anything from a slightly gamey smell, to a sour smell, to a terrible sewer-like smell.

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What Causes Kidney Disease in Dogs?

A kidney breakdown is a frightening thing. As you may remember from biology class, kidneys filter out substances the body can’t use and release it as urine. They also help control blood pressure and maintain healthy levels of hydration, salts, and acids in the body.

Basically, having at least one healthy kidney is essential to having a healthy and well-functioning body.

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