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How to Make the Best Food Choices for Your Cats and Dogs

Your dog or cat is an important member of your family. They provide unconditional love and are there for us on our best and worst days. Feeding them a high-quality diet that meets their nutritional needs is an essential step in showing them the same love they give you. Unfortunately, choosing a suitable cat food or dog food is confusing simply because there are so many options.

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8 Summertime Hazards Pet Owners Need to Have on Their Radar

Summer is the perfect time to get out and enjoy those warm, sunny days with your furry friend. Unfortunately, this time of year can be hazardous for pets. If you are not careful, your dog or cat could experience serious injuries, illnesses, or worse. As veterinarians, we want you and your pet to enjoy the rest of a healthy, fun-filled summer, so we're sharing information about some of the most common summertime pet hazards below.

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5 Common Illnesses in Dogs and What You Need to Know

Keeping your dog up-to-date on vaccinations protects them from several devastating illnesses, including rabies, parvovirus, distemper, bordetella, and more. Unfortunately, no vaccine will protect your canine companion from every disease they may encounter throughout their life. And while modern vaccines are highly effective, there is always a minuscule risk of vaccine failure. This means that, despite your best efforts, there's no way to ensure that your furry friend will never get sick.

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In Honor of National Swimming Pool Day: How to Prevent Dry Drowning In Pets

Drowning is a familiar term to all of us—a traumatic event that occurs when a person or animal is submerged in water for too long and deprived of oxygen. However, a relatively uncommon but related term is secondary or "dry drowning." Water is aspirated into the lungs and causes serious complications, often hours or even days after water exposure. Dry drowning, also known as aspiration pneumonia, can affect humans and their pets.

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