My Cat Can't Stop Itching! The Truth About Cat Allergies
As veterinarians, we understand how frustrating it can be when your cat can't stop itching. Much like in humans, allergies are a common issue among cats, and they can cause a range of uncomfortable symptoms. Let’s discuss the truth about cat allergies and what to do to help your feline friend live a healthier, happier, and itch-free life.
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How to Pill a Cat at Home
Cats are notoriously stubborn when it comes to taking medication. Trying to get a feisty feline to swallow a pill is no easy task, but with a little bit of practice and patience, you can get the job done without traumatizing your cat or risking injury to you or your cat. As veterinarians, we've seen the look of concern that often crosses cat owners' faces at the mention of administering medication. We understand your concerns and are here to make things a bit easier. In this blog post, we're sharing tips on how to pill a cat using the table method or the floor method.
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Is Your Pet Itchy? An Overview of Pet Allergies
Your pets can suffer from allergies just like you can! Allergies can be frustrating to pet owners: persistent scratching, chewing, or licking can lead to skin infections, open sores, and discomfort for your pet. It's important to learn what is causing your pet’s discomfort by getting them the help they need from your veterinarian.
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An Integrative Approach to Skin Disease
With the weather warming and allergy season getting underway, there is no better time to talk about skin disease. Allergies in pets can be just as frustrating and difficult to deal with as allergies in people: what works for one individual may not work for another. All systems of medicine struggle with the treatment of allergies.
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